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Potting Packs

Potting Packs


*Does not include soil, get cactus or succulent soil.


1 potting pack is enough for 2 of the tiniest pots, or 1 of any other available, accept for "Bleh".


Just some doodads and happy things for your plant, and a purdy top layer over the soil to customize the look of your plant/pot and give it a more clean or colorful finished look.  You dont need this, its optional, you just need the right soil (succulent/cactus soil) and a succulent that fits, enough sunlight, and to not overwater it.  You can totally go buy all of these things for yourself, but this is just packed up and ready to go for you. 

*  Message me about a color preference if you like.  Sometimes natural is a good look, sometimes a color that compliments the plant, sometimes the opposite color of the plant to make the plant pop out, sometimes white gravel to blend with the pot and put the only focal point of color on the plant.

*  Options, creativity.  Dont be afraid, many plants can live in your pot over time, do unexpected things, change its expression interestingly, and if you dont like it, replant it.  “If you get all tangled up, just tango on.”

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